Navigating Education: What You Need to Know

Introduction to Educational Challenges for Foster Children 

As parents everywhere gear up for the back-to-school season, understanding the educational landscape for children in foster care is crucial. Education plays a significant role in providing stability and normalcy for these children. Still, it also comes with unique challenges and decisions that can impact their overall well-being and the goal of reunification with their biological families.

Schooling Options for Foster Children in Virginia 

Children in foster care may either continue attending their original school or transfer to a new school within the foster parent’s district. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and challenges:

  1. Continuing at the Original School:

    • Pros: Maintaining continuity in their education and social environment can help minimize the upheaval in a foster child’s life. It allows them to keep established relationships with peers and teachers, which is crucial for emotional stability.

    • Cons: Depending on the distance, logistical challenges can arise, such as long commute times which may impact the child’s routine and availability for after-school activities.

  2. Transferring to a New School:

    • Pros: Attending a school in the foster parent’s district can make logistical sense and help the child integrate into their new living situation. It can foster a sense of belonging and community in their immediate environment.

    • Cons: Switching schools can add to the trauma of changing homes, potentially leading to academic setbacks and difficulties in forming new friendships.

Impact on Reunification Goals 

The choice of school is a critical factor that can significantly influence the reunification process for children in foster care. Keeping a child in their original school is often seen as a way to preserve a sense of normalcy and stability amidst the many changes in their life. This consistency is not only beneficial for the child’s academic performance but also plays a vital role in maintaining connections to their existing social networks, including friends, teachers, and community members. These connections can be crucial in supporting the child’s emotional well-being and reinforcing ties to their biological family and community, which is essential when the goal is reunification. Ultimately, the choice of school should be guided by what is most beneficial for the child’s emotional and academic needs while keeping the long-term goal of reunification in mind.

Educational Supports for Foster Children 

Virginia provides specific educational supports to address these challenges. The state mandates that local education agencies have policies in place to minimize educational disruption for foster children. This includes providing transportation to their school of origin if it's in the child’s best interest. Additionally, foster children in Virginia are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Act, which includes immediate enrollment in a new school without normally required records and access to the same programs and services as other children.

Recent studies highlight the educational hurdles foster children face, with national data indicating that less than 50% graduate from high school by age 18. Virginia has implemented several initiatives to improve these outcomes, such as providing academic liaisons dedicated to supporting foster children in navigating their educational paths and ensuring they receive appropriate educational evaluations and support.


Understanding the complexities of educational decisions for foster children is essential. Whether maintaining continuity at their original school or transitioning to a new school in the foster parent’s district, the primary focus must always be on what best serves the child’s needs and furthers their potential for successful reunification with their family. By staying informed and proactive, foster parents can significantly influence the educational success and stability of the children in their care.


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