10 Questions Couples Should Ask Before Becoming Foster Parents

Becoming a foster parent is a significant decision that impacts both your life and the lives of the children you aim to help. Here are ten crucial questions every couple should consider before embarking on this rewarding journey.

1. Why Are We Interested in Fostering?

Understanding your motivations is essential. Discuss why you want to foster and ensure your reasons align with the needs of the children who require care and compassion.

2. Are We Financially Prepared?

Foster care doesn't just demand emotional readiness but also financial stability. Assess whether you can handle additional expenses despite the support from fostering agencies.

3. How Will Fostering Impact Our Current Family Dynamics?

If you have children, consider how a new family member will affect them. It’s important for all family members to feel comfortable and involved in this decision.

4. Do We Have the Time?

Fostering requires time, from attending court dates to managing appointments and meetings. Ensure your schedules can accommodate these demands.

5. Are We Prepared for the Challenges?

Foster children often come from backgrounds of trauma and hardship. Discuss whether you’re equipped to handle behavioral issues or emotional needs.

6. What Age and Gender Are We Comfortable With?

Determine the age and gender you feel most capable of caring for, as this will affect your fostering experience.

7. How Do We Handle Conflict and Stress?

Evaluate your conflict resolution skills and strategies for managing stress, as these will be crucial in dealing with the ups and downs of fostering.

8. What Support Systems Do We Have?

Having a robust support network, whether through family, friends, or foster care agencies, can provide the necessary backing and respite care.

9. Are We Open to Training and Education?

Ongoing education is vital in fostering. Be willing to participate in training sessions provided by fostering agencies to better prepare yourselves.

10. What Is Our Long-Term Plan in Fostering?

Discuss your long-term goals, including whether you are open to adoption if the opportunity arises, or prefer short-term placements.

Answering these questions as a couple can help you prepare for the journey of foster care, ensuring you provide a nurturing and stable environment for the children who come into your home.


Navigating Family Dynamics In Foster Care: An Introduction


Facts and Figures: An Overview of Foster Care in Virginia